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Old 12-08-10, 03:49 PM   #33
Takeda Shingen
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Originally Posted by mookiemookie View Post
One can be proud of their homeland, but the idea of American Exceptionalism, and the idea that we're the best ever at everything, is stunningly arrogant, ignorant, conceited and self important. To think that one is above any sort of criticism, and to discount the notion that others may have a better way to do things is foolish.

Americans should cherish their culture, the ideals we strive for and the good aspects of our country. The opportunities available, the progress we've made and our values our country holds dear. But we should not lose sight of the fact that we have many flaws and foibles, we have dark times in our history, and have been flat out wrong at times. To say so is not unpatriotic. To say so is being a rational adult who sees the world as it is, instead of some imagined storyland place. To ignore reality in favor of some imagined idea of American Exceptionalism is foolish and a danger to our country.

That being said, I think the proclamations of America's decline are very, very overblown. If there's one thing history's taught, it's to never underestimate the United States.
I agree completely (minus the decline part). Governments are run by people, and people are corruptible. As such, deifying a government or style of governance is a very dangerous thing to do.

Last edited by Takeda Shingen; 12-08-10 at 04:07 PM.
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