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Old 12-08-10, 01:03 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by Solace View Post
It's the truth. I learned in it fashion class at school. As you claim, things are learned. And apparently you think everything in school is right, so I'm using your own argument against you.

Please quote where I said "everything in school is right". Or where I implied that. I simply understand that academic forums are simply that...academic forums. We don't learn by having things spewed at us, we learn through discourse and rhetoric. Uniforms simply level the playing field of the forum. Those who can't hang will raise cane about it "killing the individual".

And I really don't care what you learned in fashion class. Neither should you since "few things of value" are learned through high school courses. And you tend to be arguing that "nothing in school is right" if you'll allow me to make assumptions as you have.

At the end of the day, it really doesn't matter if uniforms exist or not. I certainly HOPE that by the time I have kids and they're going to school, it's a fixture. If not, that's fine too. Those who want to learn will learn, those who don't will focus on the minutiae.
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