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Old 12-08-10, 12:27 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by mookiemookie View Post
Nobody claimed it would put an end to bullying. That's a strawman argument. It removes clothes as status symbols and a basis for bullying in an environment where distractions like who's wearing what should be minimized. You're there to learn, not to take part in a fashion show.

There are no disadvantages to requiring uniforms.
High school isn't really about learning. It's about:
-Discovering who you are and what you want to do with your life after high school.
-Chillin with friends.
-Sports (if you're a jock).
-Learning about society.

Sure, mathematics may be useful to an extent, but they teach one-sided versions of history and most of their science information is totally outdated. Did you know they still teach that there are only 9 primary objects in the solar system? What the ****? I mean there are 8 known planets and 5 known dwarf planets, with several other dwarf planets which are unconfirmed but the evidence supports they exist. Half the stuff they teach in both social and physical science classes is either biased or wrong.