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Old 12-07-10, 09:06 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Platapus View Post
That reminds me of a conversation The Frau and I had with her daughter who was in highschool at the time.

Every year, in Virginia, the topic of school uniforms comes up. Her daughter was absolutely against it. Wearing a uniform would stifle her individuality.

I told her that she currently wears a school uniform.

"No I don't!!"

Yes, you do. You wear exactly what your peer group wears and nothing else. The colour, style and brand name must match what all your friends wear. When you peer group changes how they dress, you follow theirs lead and change also. Where is the individuality when you wear only what your peer group wants you to wear?

She then tried to explain that they are all acting as individuals.... together.

Reminds me of a comedy sketch I saw.

Interviewer: What does that tattoo on your neck say?
Boy: It says "INDIVIDUAL"
Interviewer: And why did you get that tattoo?
Boy: All my mates had one.
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