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Old 11-23-10, 04:56 PM   #37
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In the photo there is also a stray wake from a running torpedo that doesn't have any splash point indicating that a torpedo plane dropped it's fish.

This also add to what i believe to be a good possibility that there was in fact a sub in the harbour.
I'm not saying your wrong, i just feel like they did a good job making their case which has stood to hold a great deal of empathy on the attack of pearl harbour.

I'd also like you to read this segment:

Researchers such as Burl Burlingame now believe that the following happened:

Five mini-submarines carried piggyback-style by normal submarines approached Pearl Harbour to within a couple of miles of the harbour entrance.

All five mini-subs were released to approach their targets.

Mini-sub Number 1 was sunk by ‘USS Ward’ and did not fire either of its two torpedoes.

Mini-sub Number 2 got into Pearl Harbour and fired its two torpedoes. Both missed their targets, but Number 2 then sunk by two American warships.

Mini-sub Number 3 ran aground and did not fire either of its two torpedoes.

Mini-sub Number 4 was found in 1960 with both its torpedoes still on board. It now stands outside of the Japanese Naval Academy.

However, no one knew what happened to mini-sub Number 5.

I know it doesn't prove much but considering the Fifth is still missing then why not make a mission to hunt that one

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