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Old 11-23-10, 03:24 PM   #118
Molon Labe
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Originally Posted by Seamutt View Post
Ok, I've been thinking too much again....

-A helo can visually detect a sub down to 25 meters. When visually identifying a sub does it send link data that the sub is surfaced or submerged?
Usually, the altitude displayed in the 3D window is accurate for links. But I've seen submarines falsely reported as surfaced before. There's nothing wrong with assigning the CAS to the contact and checking out the Helo's camera view. Or assigning the STIR and seeing if the FIRE button lights up for the SM-2, for that matter.

-biological(s) should be on the classify list. Atleast as a general biological unit.
"Biologic" is on the classification list.

Could we create an object named 'ambiguity' and add it to the list?
That's what the "Unknown" Nav symbol is for. Besides, adding an empty Class will cause DW to crash at startup. I probably had to restore backup DBs and redo my work a dozen times before I figured that one out.

-How far out (max NM) does the TIW alert work? Many times I can't hear anything on sonar, but I get a TIW. Is this realistic? What if a sub is faced 180 degrees and deep and across the layer with when he fires? (depends on distance and environment, I know) Does the alert still come? Do AI players and human players alike get a TIW alert? I assume TIW comes if ownship is less than a set distance from the launch/drop and not based on sonar.
I don't have a specific answer here. I think you should fire up the mission editor and test that out and report back. What I can tell you is that the layer does have an effect since 1.03. For same-side of the layer I would look at 30nm as a limit since that seems to be a "magic number" in DW. And I'd look for a different result in Bottom Limited with Sand/Mud bottom types. Finally, I'm 99% sure aspect doesn't matter.

-It seems that ASW armed helicopter's torps just disappear after being dropped if the depth is less then about 100ft. What is the ASW helo's torpedo depth set at? I think I remember reading somewhere that in LWAMI the ASuW helo's torpedos will not attack subs (and vice versa). Is this true?
The doctrine is set to enable the ASUW safety if the shooting platform fires on a submerged target, and to turn the safety off if the target is at or near the surface. The search depth is somewhat random, but if the result is below the bottom it will be set to run 30ft above the bottom. I'd say the torpedo is hitting the ground off the drop, not trying to search below the bottom.

-Sometimes I can see in the replay that a torpedo tracks and then has gone directly through the enemy sub. There were no CM. How did he dodge the bullet? Are there ninja subs in LWAMI? This was done in the littorals (about 200ft) so I can't see depth change as an evasive maneuver.
Depends on the torpedo (seeker quality), the target (size, anechoic tiles), and the target's aspect. And although it's far from common, I've even seen a few torpedoes not be able to hack the turn against a beaming target, not unlike an IR missile in pure pursuit with a very narrow field of view. It's definiltey possible to shake a torpedo lose with manuevering with this mod (but I wouldn't recommend it as a tactic against ADCAPs or UGSTs... maybe USETs and MPT's... should be effective against APRs since they can't re-attack...)

This probably has nothing to do with LWAMI:
-many times I cannot mark something, but the autocrew can. what gives? Example is the grams on FFG.
The grams are flukey sometimes. Sometimes you have to click the right part of the contact. For some passive contacts it won't let you mark at all for some reason (after you've marked it once before). Been that way since 1.0, although it got better around 1.02 I think.
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