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Old 11-09-10, 05:22 AM   #87
Molon Labe
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Originally Posted by TLAM Strike View Post
Oh I sent a hint of what your punishment for that will be earlier today... expect more tomorrow night...

Hint for players in LWAMI 4 (is that what we are now calling it now?) don't get within 400 nm of hostile shores in the FFG...
I'm starting to think we should have called 3.10 LWAMI 5. 3.11 will ---> LWAMI 4 if LW integrates the old LWAMI 4 doctrines into our work (the advanced doctrines for torpedoes and such are the defining work of LWAMI 4).

So is it the Sepals you're warning them about? I hope you don't mean the C602s, because the CIWS will swat those down no problem. For the Sepals, sources disagree on whether those move at .9 Mach to 1.4-1.5 Mach. I went with 1.5. Not 400nm weapons though. And they're Hi-Low missiles where the "low" is being generous (300 ft), with poor ECCM. Worst of both worlds with that profile really, you give them early warning with the ESM hit, letting them get the chaff out in time, and then never really get low enough to take advantage of the radar horizon.

If you've got ASBMs on the way... don't get your hopes up for them to be used tactically. I took another shot at getting ballistic weapons to work today, and again, failed. It's frustrating that the subrocs work but once you flag it for land attack it goes to hell.
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