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Old 11-08-10, 08:02 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by krashkart View Post
...Through optics (UZO/periscope) the framerates pick up again and are much more bearable. I don't know why.
Most of your screen in UZO/Periscope view is taken up by a fairly simple (graphics-wise) 2D layout with the only 3D rendering taking place in a little circle viewport in the middle. Doesn't have to work as hard with that. Less water in the view, usually one ship at a time, etc... I believe, as far as the processing is concerned, the rest of the 3D world (basically) ceases to exist outside of that circle until you pan to it, and it's faster in processing it when you do pan to it since it's a smaller patch to have to render at any given time.

Panning 360 to get everything to render once seems to make a whole lot of sense to me. I run a rather unspectacular 30-50fps consistently, but when I enter the control room and pan across the attack scope in the middle of the room, it lags for a split second the first time. No idea's the only place that happens. Kinda weird, but it's literally a split second so I don't worry about it.
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