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Old 10-27-10, 01:16 PM   #1685
Sea Lord
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Originally Posted by fivetide View Post
ZW I'll help you in any way I can, I understand you want to go commercial and make money from this, and every credit to you ,
My advice…,the vast majority of the treadhead community will give you everything they have without wanting any reward from it.. and if you sell your game for say $100 they will buy it, understand one thing about what you are doing.. there’s is a small but hard core community that play this game and that community is small for one reason.. no one in the last 13 years has produced a decedent game, since Panzer Elite and those wankers Jawood took over Lighthouse there are thousands of players waiting to play a half decent game of WW2 tank v tank sim.
Here’s how to do it in my honest opinion….
All you need is 2 tanks that are somewhat equal …don’t matter if they are in a Sturmgeschütz III tracking a T34 what matters is your friends on voice com’s .. team-speak…..or whatever they use shouting “T34 – 11 o’clock 900 meters “ when you ask your beta testers about your mod, don’t ask is it life like , or do the tanks look ok, ask “When you saw the Stug did you fooking poo it ? “ .. did the hairs on the back of your neck stand up ? did your skin go cold ? if they answer yes to any of the questions you will be rich mate : )
Thanks fivetide,
I love your passion for TvT man!
I think a one on one would technically be the easiest and the best performing (60fps plus). But I like the big battles, the "knock down
drag-out" kind so-to-speak. Your advice is really encouraging tide
and I believe those questions have been answered positive by the
latest guy who are testing the October Update.
Of course it would be fantastic to be a rich man but the work will still be
challenge and long days and many months to complete.
As for now the single mission aspect of TvT and commitments to it will
has to continue.
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