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Old 10-17-10, 05:25 AM   #1
Bilge Rat
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New skipper/ couple o' lil questions

What a sim! I'm an avid flight simmer who just went underwater. I just completed my third campaign patrol on the Searaven and woof- this sim is great!

I cranked the realism up except the manual torpedo- stuff. I've survived these patrols, got a couple of medals and dodged aircraft and destroyers galore (even sank one which spotted me and steamed straigth into my aft tubes...I suppose they don't hear much at full speed?!) So I figure I must be doing something right

However I've never seen a sim which literally drops you in without even having the good grace to inform what functionality you have...I can understand not going into tacticts, but honestly they should have told how to operate the friggin boat at least. Meh.

So, questions:
- Are there really no fuel consumption- or estimation tools?! (I'm from flight sims...and there are some seriously long distances here)
- No weather forecasts? (I'm still from flight sims...and weather seems to affect enemy detection as well as my torpedoes..)
- Where's a good resource for sight lines and sonar detection ranges for enemy ships? All in one place.
- Do ships spawn when you are nearby or are they going about their business in the pacific irrespective of where you are?

Great sim, but I get the feeling it was released unfinished. So I'm thinking about getting the RFB and Run Silent Run Deep mods. Approved? I'm after realism and "shortcoming" fixes, not cranked difficulty.

Any issues with installing these on Steam? No CD for this I'm afraid...

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