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Old 10-16-10, 08:12 AM   #1753
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Default 1st patrol completed

U - 126 IX B has succesfylly completed her fisrt war patrol.
She left Wilhemshaven port on 9 Dec 1939 and returned at 12 Jan 1940.
It was a very easy patrol resulting 60.689 grt of British ships (17 vessels including 2 Q ships and 1 A&B class DD). Clear weather and no wind made the use of the deck gun possible and effective.
Upon return to port the flotilla commander was waiting Wilhem Harner to annouce to him presonally his promotion to Oberleutant zur See.
U -126 slowly entered her pen and stopped. The crew began exiting and falling into formation. They were all with a full beard and various outfits. But not he , not the captain. He exited the conning tower wearing his uniform,shaved as if he was never on patrol.
Kaleun Wilhem Harner saluted the flotilla commander and heard the good news. He was very proud.
But behind the commander was an other high ranked officer: An army colonel with the Pour le Merite at his neck. Herr Adolf Harner , his father stood there looking at his son with a smile at his face.
That was a new one. Colonel Adolf was an officer of Prussian origin coming from a family of Army and Naval officers. During WWI he was a member of the Flying circus under Manfred von Rictofen , the Red Baron. He was expecting no less from his son!
The whole crew was given a week leave. The men were more than happy now.
Wilhem Harner had to go Flotilla command for new orders......
He gave his report , alerting the commader about those Q ships he had encountered.
Next patrol grid: DT 85.
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