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Old 10-14-10, 10:06 PM   #1751
Posts: n/a

March 21, 1940

Kaleun Casey Smith and the U-19 set out on patrol to AM23. En route we got reports of a convoy that we could intercept. We decided to head for it as it was heading Northerly and we were going NW (Around Scapa Flow). We found out that as soon as it came past a small peninsula that it turned course to North West, with rough seas we gave the engines all she had to catch up with the convoy. Luckily, it was 0000 hours when we caught up with the convoy and we spotted only one tribal class destroyer at the back. I figured since it was the only destroyer I saw to fire 4 eels at it, sink it then have a jolly time with the unescorted merchants. Well all 4 eels prematured due to weather (I know I know, magnetics but I really have a fondness for them and they never seem to fail on me). After we wasted four eels we waited for the destroyer to make a normal break away sweep and infiltrated right into the middle of the 2 column convoy. After we were in we decided to get ahead some more and pick our targets, soon, we decided to set up for 2 large merchants at the back, so we sped ahead close to the front of the convoy and sat at a 90* angle to their course. After the first crossed my sights, I put two eels right into her bow. The same for the second. All 4 exploded (They were magnetics btw) and only 1 went down right away, I also fired a aft shot at a granville type that did not sink. However, after the first hit, spot lights were on me and a shell from a destroyer wizzed over head. I dove and got ready to take a beating in 60 m water. However to my luck, they couldnt get an exact pin point on me. To my even better luck, the second Large merchant sunk and both went down nose first, leaving enough of the aft end out of the water that some how (I couldnt believe this) it got the third stuck between them both. I found this out after the relentless 3 hours of Depth Charges stopped. So with great pleasure I lined up and fired my last 2 eels in her from the bow. Then seeing as she wouldnt sink I turned around and as soon as I did, she sank. Seeing as how I had only 3 eels left, I decided to make a course for home, as I had pushed my luck already. Only after however a ASW trawler and another tribal came steaming my way and decided to depth charge me. Luckily, I ran silent again and got away. I ended the patrol with only 3 ships sunk (All large merchants) and about 32kts. That brought my total tonnage up to 125kt Cant wait to do my next patrol!
I gotta get on downloading some more of the Mods I want though. Especially orders lite
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