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Old 10-14-10, 01:36 AM   #1745
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So I see that people happen to run into REAL task forces and such? Could any one tell me the date and area these task forces show up in?? Ive got GWX 3.0 and SH3 Commander installed so yeah

Originally Posted by Arael View Post
August 4, 1940
17:41 Local Time

About 2 hours ago U-111 stumbled upon the outskirts of a task force heading West. We turned into towards the center of the task force, running at full speed with decks awash to cloase the distance as best as we could. Identifying HMS Hood, a Revenge, and what looked like an Illustrious carrier, I chose to aim at the carrier as it was bottled up in the center of the formation. I tried a long distance (11,000 meter) shot from zero degrees with a pair of G7as. 9 minutes later, a miracle happened. one of the torpedoes hit the carrier directly under the funnel. The carrier slowed to a stop as the escorts looked for me in a 2 kilometer area around the carrier. Tried another G7a aimed at the bow from 8 kilometers to finish him off. The stupid thing was still drifting, and the torpedo hit about 10 meters aft of the first one. I decided to make sure that the next torpedo would sink it, and I crawled to within 1500 meters for the next shot. This one was on target on the bow, and the carrier sunk quickly. As of right now I'm having U-111 heading south to Casablanca to hopefully move the externals inside.

Edit: Just discovered what said Task Force was doing in the Mediterranean. I am honored that in some small way I was able to exact revenge on the British for their cowardly attack on the French Fleet at Toulan.
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