Thread: Let TvT Survive
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Old 09-27-10, 10:07 PM   #1
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Default Let TvT Survive

Hello Zeewolf,
My Name is Steve and I am currently a beta tester for world of tanks, and I have been in flight sims for some time now as well IL2 and Rise of Flight.
During my time as a beta tester for WOT I have come to appreciate the tank and what the tank crews of WW2 would have had to go through not just to survive battles but the day to day running of a tank.
And being that I am a sim type of guy I have found T34 v Tiger which is great. However a lot of my friends in my flight sim squad and WOT squad say that TvT is dead, forget it put it back on the shelve the developers went bust no multiplayer no support, bin it. But I would like to see the game resurrected.
I see that you have made some in roads to this game in bring it back to life and I take my hat off to you the work you have done look amazing, but I can’t help feeling that all your work will go to waste once another tank sim comes along that will have today’s modern graphic engines and much better eye candy and a lot less bugs and that your days as pro- Modder are numbered.
Yes we all want to earn a buck and make money but I feel you are putting your talent to a wasted game so to speak, give the code you have cracked to the community to use and let them use it to good affect like IL2 flight sim, that game has stood the test of time due to the community continually updating it for free.
If you want money for what you do why don’t you look at developing a new tank sim altogether you obviously have a talent and the know how to do this.
Find a backer get some people together and get the project of the ground it’s like the saying goes if you build it they will come.
Maybe make a website and ask the community for the support as well, I just feel people don’t really want to pay for something with the words on the end of it install and your own risk, I know I don’t
But this is just my opinion and you do what you have to do.
TvT is a good sim but an old sim give it to the community to keep it alive for free and let TvT survive the test of time.

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