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Old 09-13-10, 06:37 PM   #1589
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Originally Posted by ediko View Post
Yeah on the way home ( well not really had plenty of fuel and decided to get after that convoy BDU reported) I think I shot at something (either that or I forgot to load one torpedo to internal storage) and was reloading my external torpedo. Suddenly a plane is showing up from nowhere and is going straight at me. Can't dive since the operation is halfway and I give order for my crew to man the flak. Gunner hit's the plane a few times but to no effect. 2 bombs falling on my uboat now. Luckily they missed, the gunner didn't survive the impact though. I sailed on ahead full to get out of there and when I was safe decided to avenge my crew members death. Chasing after a convoy I got spotted by a destroyer. Another one arrived in no time. After a few hours my uboat is in critical condition and they finish me off with a direct hit in the conning tower. U77 failed to report...
That sucks! Sorry you lost your boat, mate.
Many VII drivers think it gets you out of harms way to drive a IX, but as you experienced, IX country can be just as deadly as VII country. Late war, the IXs can be even worse off. BDU likes to send them to far away coastal grids. They've sent me directly into, or next to, the Capetown grid. It stinks to drive all the way down there, knowing you ain't comming back.
After the 2. flotilla gets closed and relocated to Bergen, one can expect to see grid assignments like BF13. Early war paradise, transformed into late war hell.
Good luck in your next carreer.
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