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Old 08-30-10, 07:44 PM   #1898
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Hello John,

Sorry I ruffled your dorsal fin by pulling you into the fray but that wasn't my intention. For better or worse, however, I consider it mission complete, though I never expected such an overwhelming and poignant reaction.

Originally Posted by John Channing View Post
Before you start flinging vitriol around you should probably spend a little time doing some research.
Fair enough but how did you expect me to respond after I posted basically the same questions on two separate sections of this forum and after seeing that there were numerous viewings with no replies? Was I supposed to give up and accept the situation or pursue it further? I chose the latter and placed a post under this thread. If that’s considered ‘flinging vitriol’ well then how about a little credit for showing some initiative and being persistent? After all I got you to respond to the post along with a few other mates. Did I bother to research the question regarding a medals mode for RSRDC? I certainly did after I first noticed the anomaly and spent several days perusing the forums and found nothing out there that seemed to answer my question or quench my curiosity, so here we met.

Originally Posted by John Channing View Post

Yes the medals are screwed up, no question. That is an issue with the code of the game.

The thread you are posting in is about changes to the campaign structure as it relates to the merchant and naval traffic in the game. It has nothing to do with medals.
A reasonable and acceptable answer which was all I wanted but it took three separate threads before it caught your attention, so thank you.

Originally Posted by John Channing View Post
What I do know is that demanding things and showing a blatant sense of entitlement around here is probably going to have the reverse effect of what you had hoped for.
I always had impression that this forum was intended to be a friendly inclusive setting to freely exchange ideas (or air it out) and felt that if you asked an honest question or made a polite request, it merited (not entitled you to) a straight forward reply. And as far as a ‘reverse effect’, although summoning an admonishment, it seemed to work. I got exactly what I wanted, a reasonable and timely response.

What I would have really enjoyed most would have been reading Lurker’s views (if he’s still with us) on this matter since he seemed to be (along with the contribution of many others) the chief architect responsible for creating this super mod.

While it’s true there was no mention in RSRDC of whether the medals were amended which was precisely my point, I never assumed that there was a problem with the Medal award before I downloaded and played RSRDC. I realized it much later after several hours of ‘tearing it up’ on a career patrol. Since there were two Medal Mods already listed separately that were available for SH4 1.5 Stock and one for TMO, I figured that RSRDC was fine the way it was designed. Obviously, I was wrong.

As far as being ’a bit jaded’ regarding the medals, along with the crew’s ranks, I still feel that they do add immensely to the essence of the game. Why else would the developers have included them? And If I hadn’t purchased the download for SH4 1.5 (w/ U-Boat Add on) and had this issue been already resolved, I would have been content just running SH4 with the 1.4 patch and this discussion would have never occurred.

So pardon me again all for my passionate yet exuberant interest trying to make SH4 a complete game even if it was taken the wrong way. Perhaps my tone came across as a bit terse or even curt. But at least the ‘squeaky wheel’ got the grease and I still look forward to creating my own Medal Mod for RSRDC. I would welcome anyone’s assistance and suggestions too!

Thanks again Mates for sharing.
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