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Old 08-27-10, 09:08 AM   #1547
Join Date: May 2010
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March of 1940,8th patrol, and my skipper had a nasty encounter with a Tribal class at AN16, U-27 almost didn't make it home.

The short story is:

Was getting around Northern Scotland to get in front of a large slow convoy out of Scapa Flow, and for once I had a convoy on the map with a full loadout of torpedos. was heading north when a Tribal heading south intercepted us, and spotted us just as soon as we spotted them.

Fired four eels as it got close, all missed, crashed dived to 70 meters (which was the depth as I was in a shallow bank in AN16. Proceeded to be depth charged hard by a very effective commander of the Tribal, and was sitting on the silt of the bottom dewatering and repairing and having my crew knocked around.

I was forced to go to scope depth as the boat was nearly crippled, and do to the escort making a long turn to avoid my stern steam torpedo, I was able to get two shots at 700 meters and both struck the Tribal class, and U-27 limped home to a hero's welcome and my first ever(That I can remember) Knights Cross.

The long one can be read at
SH3 - GWX3 & Commander 3.2
Realism- 43%, D.I.D. (I play with unlimited fuel and with Auto-ID targets)
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