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Old 08-17-10, 09:18 PM   #110
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Default Bearing Plotter

I made a 360deg bearing plotter for your mod. You might include one--as is, the map tools make it labor intensive to know the relative and true bearing of the target--my bearing plotter solves the issue. I made mine 512 x 512 and only 1000m in diameter. It's not much good for plotting intercept ranges, but it doesn't overflow my screen at the two highest zoom levels either. All I want it for is true bearing to the target. I can use the ruler for range.

Sure, PM me for send details. Thanks
Actually the one I am using is just a scaled down version of the one made by Gisement available in the Downloads section, which I couldn't offer to you without his permission, and I would need to fix the inaccurate range numbers that are still displayed on it, maybe tweak its size to make it just right. I meant that you should maybe include one, didn't mean that the one I am using was the one you should include.

However, I am willing to take a stab at making one. If I make one that I think won't be an embarrassment to us both, I'd be glad to donate it.

I'll get back to you on that.

Happy to hear about the OBS Scope.

edit: Made one out of internet scraps. Needs a little tweaking (I'd like the #s to be clearer, and to have the star points perfectly aligned), but it's yours when it's ready. Two pics at the two highest nav map zooms follow.

Last edited by nodlew; 08-18-10 at 01:28 AM.
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