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Old 08-17-10, 03:40 PM   #107
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Default Lookin' Good

Looks great, R7. Now I can open the Torpedo selection panel and still read the scope bearing. The work on the RAOBF looks perfect. I like your mod so much I found some freeware on the net (Paint.NET) and learned some enough about editing .dds files to make my own RAOBF markings file so I could play using your mod in the interim while awaiting your reworking of it. Here's my homemade scope RAOBF graticules...

Turns out, making those things, even something as basic as that, is a lot of work, although it gets easier the more you know how to do it, how to use the programs, etc.

I kept your mast height markings--just painted over them, so the scope markings to the left would line up, and tweaked the file to make everything as close as I could get. Works pretty good. Yours looks much better.

Looking foreward to trying the new and improved version. I fervently hope that the Obs. periscope bug (raising when not in use) has been fixed. You didn't mention anything about that. As things stand, I still just ignore the Obs. Periscope to circumvent the problem.

I see new buttons related to the Stadimeter--look foreward to trying them out.

Another thing I did, which you might consider--I like the look of your ERM for TDW's UI better than the one you included in your own mod. So I transferred and renamed the dds files to get the same look...

Purely aesthetic choice, but this one looks very elegant and I prefer it. It would be simple to include this look as an optional mod for those who don't know how do it manually.

One question--why did you choose increments of 1.6666 kts (5/3) on the Target Speed Dial in the TDC as opposed to say...1kt? It makes inputting the targets speed a matter of guesswork. I suppose I could put the precise value in using the XO's Dialog Box, but I like using the tdc dials, but I have to refer to the XO's box to make sure it displays the correct speed, and even then, I know I'm some fraction of a kt off. Is the dial more historically correct as it is? Then why did the Germans make things hard for themselves? That last question was rhetorical. What is logical for German engineers might differ in myriad ways from what is logical to me.

Do we now have a Return to Course button?. If not, I can just use advanced shift keys.
I made a 360deg bearing plotter for your mod. You might include one--as is, the map tools make it labor intensive to know the relative and true bearing of the target--my bearing plotter solves the issue. I made mine 512 x 512 and only 1000m in diameter. It's not much good for plotting intercept ranges, but it doesn't overflow my screen at the two highest zoom levels either. All I want it for is true bearing to the target. I can use the ruler for range.

Here's a question--isn't the radar antenna extensible? So shouldn't there be a crew command button to extend/retract it? XO's station? He extends and retracts everything else.

Anyway, that's enough questions, etc. for now. Again, looking foreward to the new version.
Love the mod.

PS. How do I make a Scope Graticule dds file that will light-up (become luminescent) when the lights come on at night? By making the color white, my dds lit up for the obs periscope, but the attack scope markings stayed black.

I have just gotten to this stage so have only tried it on this 1 target so far - But if it works for 1 it should work for all
Well, maybe, maybe not. I was seeing some discrepancies. It could be something I was doing wrong. I had a Hog's Island reading perfectly by the RAOBF at 1200m at 90deg, but my Large Steamer at 2000m at 90deg was showing a little off--and with the RAOBF, a little off in terms of graticules turns into big differences in terms of AOB readings. The difference between 70 AOB and 90 AOB is a smidge. It's hard to know where the error comes from. Are the models perfectly proportioned and do they exactly correspond to the maual data? How accurately did I place the ship in the editor (not a precise tool by any stretch)? A fudge of one pixel using the Stadimeter can give errors in the tens of meters, like 50m difference--more depending on range. The scales on the RAOBF itself are anything but precise. Where exactly is 147 on the dial? This is less science than Art.

I told you I was obsessive.

Last edited by nodlew; 08-17-10 at 04:09 PM.
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