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Old 09-28-05, 02:56 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

It depends on your definition of dry; to me, straightforward recitation of dates, people, places is dry. Add a bit of analysis for seasoning and it is all much easier to digest. Kershaw is a professor of history at Sheffield and has been Knighted for his works. The Hitler biography is not what I would call dry; but it is a bit of a read. You will have to give some time to complete it but I feel it is well worth the effort. The research behind the formation of the NSDAP and Hitler's involvement, and the involvement of other factions of German society, still speaks loudly today when one sees dangerous similarities in some of the actions and activities of current world goverments and leaders. No matter where you are, "it can happen here"...

Yes, I rate it better than Toland.
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