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Old 08-14-10, 08:36 AM   #1
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Default SH3 Randomly Won't Work

Could anyone help me try to fix SH3 on my computer?

I was playing on the game with no problems on Thursday, blowing up merchants left right and centre. Then I was silly and tried to take a screenshot, which I had forgotten my PC doesn't like since I installed the resolution fix, and the game froze, so I turned it off and thought nothing else of it.

I come to try to play yesterday... and the game just constantly crashes at the initial cutscene, sometimes it doesn't even get that far.

So I uninstall everything to do with SH3, and then reinstall it and GWX3.0, and it loads, but when it gets to the main menu it just plays the music, but the screen is blank. I then install the Resolution fix, and it starts just crashing out at the initial cutscene again.

I really want to get this fixed, I don't want to be stuck without SH3 after I've spent so long playing it. I followed all the instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling that are covered in the GWX3.0 manual, except I didn't have a SH3 file in the AppData section.

Other useful info might be that this is the Steam version of the game, and so shouldn't have Starforce on it at all, and should be patched up to 1.4b already.

Thanks for any/all help you can give me.
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