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Old 07-31-10, 05:20 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by mcarlsonus View Post
Sinking stuff in port does NOT count toward fulfilling the requirements for Campaign success. You have to knock out units underway in your particular mission area and/or knock out specific unit TYPES (battleship, carrier, "5 troop ships," for example) and/or knock out specific types OF specific types, such as Heavy Freighters DEDICATED - and showing separately in the Recognition Manual - to the tranport of War Supplies, etc.

WHEW! In short, if it ain't in your specific patrol area or if it's in port, it doesn't count.
Not entirely true. In some campaign you can sink sitting merchant ships in harbors.(happy times, for malta supplies). In some it doesn't matter if they are in harbor, what it counts is if they are on the move or not. I give you an example. In happy times campaign I was looking for the two carriers. I didn't find them in H or A or whatever task forces roaming the map, but i found one sitting in Gibraltar. It didn't count when I sunk it, but...I found , everytime I was reloading the same save (which is odd I admit that), one or even two carriers ON THE MOVE getting out from the harbor (they were IN harbor) with escort out in the open sea and it count when I sunk them IN THE HARBOR. Though I'm not sure this was supposed to be that way in developers' minds or it's just a bug. However I saw carrier task forces getting out from Gibraltar and disappeared in front of my eyse , just like that, which is lame and says a lot about the seriousity of developers and UBISOFT, in general.

PS - regarding the happy times campaign I found it stupid that you could sink merchant ships in Malta harbor and it counted but you couldn't sink in Gibraltar! The natural thread of campaign story hints that FROM gibraltar TO malta the are travelling so it's pretty lame and somehow ilogic. The developers didn't have a sense of logic or they forgot about things should used to be.
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