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Old 07-19-10, 06:56 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by TheBeast View Post
Yes it is but I really do not think Ubi is going to change the Model format any time soon if at all. No matter what happens, It is something that everyone is going to forced to deal with.
Discovering/Devoloping Tools in this area is a MUST DO action item for the entire SH5 MOD'ing community.

I've been trying to dodge this bullet. My People Skills are very blunt Marine Corps Style. I've been trying for many years to change that but even 20+ years after retiring from the military, some people have issue's with the way I say things. My younger sister avoided me for a very long time after I had been in the military for a while. She told me "every thing I say, sounds like I am giving orders.".
I have been Project Manager for many real life project and I've always had clashes with people that feel I am overbearing or just don't like the way I ask for things to get done. Always these clashes have been with people that had zero miltary background. i.e. One time someone, after finding out I was in the Marines said to me "Sempher Fi", I replied "Do or die!" as I always have. Later I found out that person really thought I had threatened his life. All I ment was "Complete your mission or die trying.". Maybe a bit to much Spartan for most(Come back with your sheild or on it).

Just seeing Ducimus here in this forums thread gives me hope that a team may form up. Even if he doesn't want to be part of it. I hope that some of the old school Hard Core MOD'rs Ducimus, Lurker, MadMax and many other will at least be available for advice and answer some "How do I" questions I am certain will surface.
You guys(GWX, TMO, OM, FoTRS, RFB, etc.) know so much about WWII history and how to get that into the game, your MOD's reak with the knowlege you guys have. I feel, it would be a great loss to everyone if we(SH5) were to lose access to the time and efforts you guys have already and or continue to put into the Silent Hunter Community. Please, do not stay away because of some stupid Ubi corporate mistake requiring a Constant Internet Connection.
I truely do not think the DEV's are responsable for this blunder but with all the anger flying around, they really have no choice but to hide from the masses. Personally, at first, I made a list of everyone listed in the SH5 Credits to put on my do not buy anything these guys worked on list. I have sence that time changed my mind, only Ubi and Blizzard remain on that list now. Do I feel I got burned buying SH5? Not really, maybe a bit singed but the bridge to my wallet definately got burnt down and it is going to take a lot on Ubi's part to repair that connection.
Ok, when this gets going I would like to offer my services for testing and any mundane data entry that needs doing. I'll take my chances, being shouted at by The Beast he can't be any worse than my wife
Mike Collins
Nullius in Verba

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