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Old 07-18-10, 03:29 PM   #133
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Hotmanandre View Post
I answer the Hydrolocator 129W it was applied from 44th year and not by all boats basically on the K-class and the S-class and on some L-class. Type-291 the radar stood on the British U-class.

And basic there were hydrolocators Mars-8 and Mars-12 and still some updatings but in an individual variant.
Thanks, Hotmanandre!

So, ASDIC on only a few, then. When in 1944 was the first boat fitted with a set? I'd already enabled it as an upgrade from late '44. I'd made it very expensive in renown to reflect it's rarity.

With regards to the MARS equipment, were the boats upgraded as time went on? Or did individual boats soldier through the entire war with the same type of set it had at the start of the war?

Nice skins!

I look forward to them when their available!

I've developed a soft spot for Shch type, so having two variants is great! Are there any plans to do the Series X? Or was that more common in the Northern/Black Sea Fleets than the Baltic?

One thing that's driving me nuts is the lack of good information in English! Relying on a translator means I miss a proper understanding of some of the more technical terms.

Oh, I'm not sure if the BfB team is aware of this, but the German Type 39 torpedo boat does somersaults through the air when you torpedo it!!! Very funny to see, but I get a CTD not long after sinking one.

"I am the battleship Jean Bart. This name originates from a certain 'respected' privateer... Yes? You want to know what privateers are? Hmph, they are pirates that rob openly under the banner of their country."

Jean Bart from the mobile game Azur Lane.
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