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Old 07-06-10, 06:56 AM   #1305
Grey Wolf
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Default Hello back Herr Painter Commander!

Hi Morty good to hear you again! Herr Panzer Commander or is it Painter Commander?????

My hard disc is fine and not corrupted and my problems seem to be , knock on wood, resolved.My problem was basically that Acer sent the pc to the retailer with an Admin password that could not be broken.The reTailer said that it was Acer 's presponsibility since they delivered the pc like that( seems to me that retailer should check their products before selling them to make sure they are fucntioning...But hey it's the new reality of customer's service.).Acer could not help me with password except to send the recovery cds to clear the pc. I waited almost 7 weeks for them to arrive.And then hit Win 7 .Had the pc been pre configured and ready to use as ti should have been I would have saved myself lots of trouble.But it's live and learn!!!! I've got Steel Fury installed and running well ( one copy and one fresh install) and I tested TvsT after installing DirectX9 and it runs well with fps double what I have on my Toshiba laptop.Once I am 100% satisfied my pc is stable and trouble-free then I'll install TvsT.I must say though that I am not impressed by my 2gbs Nvidia GT330 graphic card.I expected better from such a high end gc.ATI , in my own and disputable opinion, makes better gcs price and performance-wise.

Matlox thanks for coming back.Win 7 came with the recovery disk on my pc .No I have no malware or spyware.I ran several scnas and nothing I checked the BIOS and everythiing is healthy and fine. The problem definitely rested with Win 7. Actually doing a maintenance run of my pc I discovered that there were too many programs runnign at start up.I checked them all off the list and now it seems that my pc problems or woes are things of the past.While Windows 7 has been touted as the latest wonder blablabla I read seevral posts on the internet showing the incredible number of people who have been haing nighjtmare problems with Win 7.A lot experimented similar problems to mine endless reboots, or BootMgr going missing, serial recoveries etc.I have found no less than 19 websites dedicated to nerds and techies offering solutions to 22 common problems with Windows 7.Let's not forget that it's new system, not even a year old, and I remember that past systems whether Vista or even XPs did not come without their share of teething problems and bugs.


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