Thread: New rig
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Old 07-05-10, 01:33 AM   #8
Silent Hunter
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Kingston sets are not cheaper here, because of their high popularity the retailers charge a larger commission. But I am still looking for better options in that price range, occasionally used parts come up on offer on a local overclockers board, I check there regularly for good deals, but I will add an extra 4gb on a later date.
I have looked at both i5 and i7 options, neither of which provides me with more back for buck with the prices as they are here.
PSU wise, that is the best I can afford, also that particular model can put out 940w before it craps out, it is just rated at 750 because that is what it can put out even with capacitor aging taken into account over long term use.
The cpu cooler is there to keep temperatures down with the kind of overclock I plan to run it under.
As far as peripherals are concerned, I will not skimp any more on anything though am considering getting a Microsoft X6 instead of the g15, will try to get my hands on both before actually making the buy.
Monitor wise none of the 24" monitors are in my price range.
OS wise will be going to Windows 7 Ultimate as I have already have a legal edition.
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