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Old 06-26-10, 11:05 PM   #7
Electrician's Mate
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Just post inputs and outputs. Almost no language is required. I don't think it is clearly understood what the problem is.

Here is what I gather: GrayOwl is merely pointing out that it is the *search* depth that must be set below the target depth, not *floor*. Floor will always be set to the maximum depth possible, so if you are seeing an issue it is because the AI is setting the torpedo search depths, not floors, too high.

I fear GrayOwl may be missing the point being made. GrayOwl it is not a problem with detection, it is a problem with AI search depths being set too shallow.

The game mechanic doesn't make sense to me. Why would a torpedo at 2000 feet have a greater chance of detecting a target at 100 feet than a torpedo traveling at 50 feet? Even with no layer.
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