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Old 06-14-10, 01:29 AM   #3500
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Werehamster Small World. Here's a post I made about Silversides from about a month ago:

"I'm kinda suprised nobody mentioned the movie "Destination Tokyo". I think it came out around '43. In the film the boat was named "Copperfin".
I was living in the Chicago area back in the '80's and got word that a fleet sub was being refurbished at the Navy Reserve Pier, next to Navy Pier. The group doing the work found her just short getting scraped. They looked up the history and discovered this was the boat portrayed in the movie. Armed with that info they got her registered as a National Monument. A grant was probably given but they were looking for funds and volunteers at the time.
There was a lot of work involved as the boat went down by the bow in a storm due to the foward hatch left open. By the time I got to her they had her floating but the entire foward torp room was stripped. I was amazed how big the empty cavern was. The rest of the boat was basically cleanup, inspect, replace and repair. BIG JOB!!!
The tour was great. I even had a chance to get a look through the attack scope. Was surprised to see it was raised by exposed cables.
Anyway Silversides resides across Lake Michigan at Muskegon MI., open to the public...SK:

The foward torpedo room was stripped clean, nothing left but the tubes and pressure hull. We had to climb down a ladder to the bottom of the hull then up another ladder, attached to the bulkhead, to get to the hatch leading to the next compartment aft.

You will agree with me, I'm sure, that you could feel the life in her while aboard...SK

Yeah, Chicago politics...Silversides...Meigs Field... ... ...SK

Last edited by Steelkilt; 06-14-10 at 01:45 AM.
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