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Old 09-17-05, 06:28 AM   #1
Ace of the Deep
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Default The PlayersDB Project, A new Harpoon3 database

The PlayersDB Project

Get the PlayersDB-HUE on SubSim, HarPlonkHQ, or SimHQ.

Get the PlayersDB-ANW on SubSim, HarPlonkHQ, or SimHQ.

Get the PlayersDB on SubSim, HarPlonkHQ, or SimHQ.

Archived versions:
Get the PlayersDB 22.11.25-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 22.11.25-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 22.11.25 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 22.05.05-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 22.05.05-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 22.05.05 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 21.12.25-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 21.12.25-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 21.12.25 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 20.12.14-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 20.12.14-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 20.12.14 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 19.1.30-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 19.1.30-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 19.1.30 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 18.1.30-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 18.1.30-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 18.1.30 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 17.1.25-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 17.1.25-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 17.1.25 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 16.1.25-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 16.1.25-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 16.1.25 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 15.1.31-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 15.1.31-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 15.1.31 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 14.1.6-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 14.1.6-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 14.1.6 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 13.1.2-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 13.1.2-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 13.1.2 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 12.1.1-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 12.1.1-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 12.1.1 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 11.1.2-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 11.1.2-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 11.1.2 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 10.1.6-HUE on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 10.1.6-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 10.1.6 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 9.1.2-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 9.1.2 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 8.1.1-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 8.1.1 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 7.4.7-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 7.4.7 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 6.4.9-ANW on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 6.4.9 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.
Get the PlayersDB 5.9.7 on HarPlonkHQ or SubSim.

We are pleased to announce the release of a new Harpoon3 database, the PlayersDB. This database has been built upon the excellent foundations set by the H3DB Project (edited by Fred Galano) which in turn was built on the basis of the HUD-II database (edited by Darren Buckley). It incorporates the data from the Harpoon Classic DB (HCDB) that is edited by Brad Leyte. Many thanks to the exceptional work by these three fellows. Without them, the PlayersDB would not have been possible.

In keeping with the design philosophy of H3DB and HCDB, the PlayersDB will follow a policy of "Never delete - only append". Some of the unique features of the PlayersDB are:
  • Ships, planes, and subs have been indexed by country for your convenience

  • Players can now see the launch altitude of the weapons. No more guessing at the launch parameters.

  • Numerous special weapons and special platforms for designers.

    If you would like to see a special capability or platform for your scenario, let us know and it will be added for you. There is ample room for specialty units and player requests. One player has already been accommodated. He wanted to try Soviet Sub-Launched Land Attack missiles from Charlie-class SSGNs so we modified the torpedo tubes to allow him to test this new feature.

  • Old versions of the DB will be retained.

    This is the only certain way to guarantee compatibility. Once a scenario is built, IT STAYS BUILT unless or until the author decides that he wants to adapt it to a newer version. This means that the scenario will play EXACTLY as the author intended.

  • Pre-constructed installations.

    Over 110 fully pre-constructed bases and installations for scenario designers to insert with the single click of a mouse. No need to hunt down 40+ individual facilities before adding them to a scenario.

  • Comprehensive descriptions.

    Detailed text for subs, ships, aircraft, and weapons.

  • Loadout ready times displayed.

    Loadout re-arming times for every aircraft and mission is now fully visible to players and scenario designers.
The scenarios have been re-built for this new database. For those of you who have played them, thank you, and we strongly encourage you to try them again. During our testing, we found that the scenarios run very differently under the new PlayersDB parameters. Not better or worse; just differently. It was almost like playing something brand new. We were very pleasantly surprised to have our butts shot off in the very scenarios that we designed and should have known what was going on!

Harpoon HUE users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon HUE Library

Harpoon ANW users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon ANW Library

Harpoon3.6.3 users can get the:
Complete PlayersDB Harpoon 3.6.3 Library

"Harpoon for Dummies" channel

Frequently Asked Questions


Guidelines for ScenShare scenarios:

1) Enjoy creating it
2) Enjoy playing it
3) Enjoy sharing it
4) Enjoy helping others create them

The PlayersDB - The Harpoon Community's #1 Choice.

Harpoon3 Frequently Asked Questions

Last edited by Herman; 05-08-23 at 04:06 AM.
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