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Old 06-01-10, 07:09 PM   #13
Join Date: Apr 2010
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Just start a new career at the beginning....Dec 7th i think...from Manilla. There is plenty to keep you occupied till Coral Sea.

Choose either the Sargo or Salmon and go see my contact at the ordinance depot, he will load you out with MK10's....just tell him I sent ya

Start your mission and ignore where they send you for now....we are going on a recon of our own

Find Vigan on the map, west side of Luzon. Zoom down till the black range bar reads 21.0nm. Enable tool helper and with your ruler put the start point on the dot for Vigan, draw a line 9nm long going West, (as you come out you will see the line go through 270 on the tool helper)

At the western end of this line draw another one going directly North 6750yds. Now set some waypoints so that your sub ends up at the top of the 6750 line facing NE.

All stop. Save.

Stay on the surface and use TC...say 512.....eventually you will get a contact. As soon as you do, dive below thermal layer (click on the depth gauge as we do no want the engines to come on), rig for silent running. Engines off.

Now just wait till the lead destroyers pass you by (Free cam too watch f12 if your using TMO) long as you are not moving and a re rigged for silent running they should not notice you. You should then see a line of 5 ships, the second one is a troop carrier....Come to periscope depth and take your pick

You may have to do a tiny bit of manoeuvring once you see them but that should get you close enough to sink a few...They head off in that direction and then loop back later.

That should keep you occupied for a while.

And if you get bored of that we can send you over to Camranh Bay....lots of fun over there

And then a bit later....Jan / Feb, there is loads to do in the Java Sea area on way to Coral sea...

See you there
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