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Old 05-18-10, 07:08 PM   #1420
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Oberleutnant z. S. Kurt Gies, commander of the U-52 has safely returned to Wilhelmshaven, ending his 4th patrol.
Here follows his report:
U-52 left Wilhelmshaven on the 3th day of the new year 1940. We were assigned to patrol the grid AM 34, near Scapa Flow. I drew a course that would take us through the channel, coursing the south of Great-Britain to Ireland, as I was hoping for some big merchants at [AM 53].
After a day, we spotted our first target at [AN 76]; The SS Cortona, an Empire-type freighter. She was heading towards us, so we waited. She passed us at about 700m and 2 torps made sure here voyage ended there.
Nearing the StraBe von Dover, I felt like making a quick harbor-raid. My first one, raiding Scapa Flow, had been a success, with the sinking of HMS Repulse and over 90k sunk. After studying various aerial photographs, I decided to set course to Dover [AN 79], as it seemed an open harbor, good for a quick in and out.
Around 14:30pm we reached Dover. The WO spotted a destroyer in the distance, so we dived and ran silent past him. Luckily, we weren't spotted. Observing Dover, I’d seemed I had made the right decision as it was full of big merchants. Besides the destroyer and 2 ASW Trawlers, no other warships were spotted.
I ordered our first torpedo to be fired at (what I thought was) a stationary destroyer inside the harbor, to neutralize a possible threath. 2 other torpedoes would be fired at the SS Durham, a large troop transport. We maneuvered ourself at 90°, ready to sneak away quick and launched the torpedoes.
It was now 15:11, the attack had begun. The first torpedo hit 'the destroyer' right in the middle of its bow. Almost instantly, the message of her sinking came in. Looking at the patrol log, the ship I had taken for a destroyer was in fact the HMS Glasgow, a light cruiser (Southampton class). I would say that that was one torp well spend. Of the other 2 torpedo’s only one made it to the SS Durham, due to a premature explosion.
We sneaked to the east, away from our firing position, while the hunters awakened. With the periscope I spotted 3 ships looking for us, but they didn’t seem to find us. Just as I was about to lower the periscope, I noticed the shapes of a floating dock inside the harbor. 33000 tons, that was worth the risk. Since we weren’t at any risk of being detected, I gave the order to sneak ahead, right into the harbor. My idea was to fire a rear torp at the floating dock, turn and steam out into the open sea.
Unfortunately, I forgot about the torpedo nets. From the moment we hit those, U-52’s tower became visible, alerting our hunters. They were heading straight for us, as we were now trapped in the harbor. (At this moment, I thought that U-52 luck had ran out and that my first U-boat would soon have a burial at sea) But my crew recovered fast and once again we ran slow and hidden in the shallow waters, ready for the fight to come.
My negative thoughts were premature, as luck was on our side. Alerted of our position, the hunters steamed straight toward us. In fact, their course was so straight that they collided head-on with one of the dykes, that protected the harbor. 2 hunters were down in a matter of seconds. The remaining ASW trawler, now steaming into the harbor, was swiftly delt with thanks to the rear torp.
At that moment, I realized I was alone in a harbor full of un-armed merchant ships and tankers..
I’m not going to explain the next 3 hours in detail, as this would take too long, but we left the harbor with all torps and ammo expended. 12 merchants lay sunk and another one severely damaged. I couldn’t finish her due to a lack of ammo.
We arrived in Wilhelmshaven on 6 January 1940 after a patrol of 3 days. My shortest one so far.
The total was 12 merchants and 3 warships, good for tonnage of 110840ton sunk. I realized my first goal for SH3, sinking 100k. So now for the 150k!

For now, U-52 has once again set sea.
"If it's me, it would be a waste not to dance no matter what."
"Waiting and having faith is also a captain's duty."
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