Thread: Minefields
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Old 05-16-10, 03:01 PM   #1
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Default Minefields

An annoying possible bug.
Using the predreads and old cruisers/DDs as a single TF for minelaying and local patrols to the north and west of the fixed minefields.
I encounter the Grand fleet+battle sq.
I end up by maintaining 18knts a reasonable distance in fading light from all the BBs(which seem to be making 17&16). All that is up after a while is 1 Cl plus Shannon, Warrior.
I split off the leading predreads to circle back and trap them in that open non mined area to the NW of the field while knowing they will not close to far with the other predreads.
The trap snaps shut, Hessen takes one 13.5 getting too close to the BBs but no serious damage and the ACs must surely be in the bag.

The light cruiser makes good her escape at high speed to the SW and the two armoured cruisers somehow sail straight through the minefield at 21knts, do a few circles in the far side of the minefield then head straight back through the whole field again.

So are these miraculously lucky ships the British have or was it a glitch?
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