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Old 05-16-10, 10:11 AM   #129
Navy Seal
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Well, it's balanced to stock values, to be honest. Personally, I think abilities that raise damage are outright BS, so I simply refuse to spend points in such abilities (actually making the whole system rather redundant ). Also, you don't have points to spend in single missions and multiplayer, though I don't know if that's necessary (might be controlled by crew skill setting in mission editor).

Considering that damage gets amplified with the skills and ships already sink a heck of a lot easier, I'm amazed that people actually combine it with "critical hits torpedo" mod; seems like it just becomes a shooting gallery to me, but whatever floats yer boat. Nice thing about mods: you can make the game the way you like it.

Was thinking of reworking damage values for better effect in the next version.

One thing puzzles me though: you say it's a great start. Is there anything you feel needs improving? Any suggestions and feedback are more than welcome, as always.

Contritium praecedit superbia.
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