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Old 05-15-10, 02:48 PM   #833
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Originally Posted by Neal Stevens View Post
Got the new SH5 game? Is there something out of whack? A bug, some feature that's not working properly?

Post it here, not in a new thread, please.

It's pretty common for a new PC game to have some bugs and glitches, so before we have a forum full of "OMG! The so-and-so feature is broke!", if you come across any concerns, post them here. Be sure to describe the issue fully, when it occurs, and your system specs. Make sure you have the latest patch installed, too.

This thread will open 3/2.

your friend,
Initially, having everything under one thread does sound reasonable but I'm not sure I agree entirely. Posting everything in one thread has the drawback of making searching for posts relating to errors you are experiencing more problematic, especially when a thread becomes very large. Forum search tools aren't reknowned for providing great features and filters for drilling down to posts that relate to your questions.

Having everything in one thread means a lessened ability to find things by allowing you to search specifically by Title description for example. That said it amazes me how many people don't think to create a good Title summarising their question when they decide to create a new post. Generic "Please help" and "I have a problem" titles are not very creative and don't make it easy to browse through posts looking for potential topics that relate to your own issues.

I could be wrong about this though. You're obviously a veteran in these forums, having joined in 1997, and I'm a mere whipper-snapper having joined in 2007, so I'll bow to your experience if you point out where I may be wrong in my assumptions on this

I also agree that many new PC games commonly have some bugs and glitches at release but that's no excuse for having ludicrously stupid flaws that even the smallest of quality control teams should be capable of nailing & fixing before release. SH5 (and SH4, which is where I first started with the SH series) is littered with such flaws and they all point to a poor work ethic and apathetic attitudes toward quality control. The only bugs we should see in retail release games that we pay good money for are the kind of bugs that are very hard to spot straight away and are not the result of poor design and shoddy attitudes to quality. This is even more so when you are talking about a franchise product that is in its 5th incarnation with a game engine built on pre-existing (albeit evolved) game engine technology. Developers should be capable of learning from past mistakes.

Last edited by Seefer; 05-15-10 at 03:04 PM.
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