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Old 05-14-10, 06:42 PM   #1414
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Otto Keeps killing them...

After loosing his watch officer as he was promoted to a commander, and signing on another officer, and also the talk is that U-35 XO might be getting a command soon, so too much turnover can upset a ship.

After the long party, after sinking a BB and letting the crew enjoy Christmas, U-35 set out again, with a patrol grid deep in the Atlantic, catching a few coastal oilers and trawlers unawares in the Scottish coast as he tried to get around Britain, using the deck gun to good effect. found a Mid Freighter, and had FOUR duds, so in frustration, gunned the mid freighter with the deck gun as well. after crash diving to avoid a plane attack, Graf decides to get out to his patrol grid.

Long uneventful trip out, and due to the spotting system, finds a nice G-Frighter, which two eels puts to the bottom. with four in the front, and three in the back (including a external storage) there was some talk of taking the British unawares in Gib, however off the Spanish coast, I found two french flagged freighters, a mid and a large, running as a paired unescorted convoy. after pulling a end around, and stopping 1200 meters from where they will pass, Graf sets his eels up, 1 and 2 slow, 3 and 4 fast, impact and run shallow. As soon as the front ship was in ideal angle for the slow torpedo, Graf let go those two eels, and immediately moved to the large freighter, and launched the two fast eels at it. Just as the second eel hit the mid freighter, the first eel hit the large freighter, and within seconds, the two freighters, and about 15k in tonnage, was doomed.

Graf returned to base, just seven merchants for 23518, not bad as the new year of 1940 strikes.
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