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Old 05-14-10, 02:59 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by pythos View Post
Okay, I got some good results by,

1) changing the cg height to 3.0
2) Left the longitudinal position of the cg alone
3) changed the surface draught from 5.75, to 4.75
4) In the sub cfg file changed surface depth to 4.

These changes have resulted in some really good roll characteristics, in stormy conditions, or during heavy surface maneuvers in calm weather.

On calm waters the boat does not bob as bad, and slices through the water nicely. When maneuvers at flank speed are performed the boat will lean into the turn. This is the case under water as well.

In 15 knot wind the pitch is close to perfect. With the CG set at 3.0, the boat will roll really far every now and then. My experience is that it reaches the limit of what the camera can handle which results in an undesirable "popping up" effect. This will sometimes require the use of shift U, to get you back on deck.

If any one can figure out how to remove this problem, we can possibly have the boat lean further. The roll is not have high rates, it is slow roll, like that of a heavy boat like a sub.

(note: This changes were done on the mod of this thread. If you try to apply a CG height of more than 2.5, on the unmodded subs, the boat will capsize even in calm water.)

This mod is great, and with these changes it is wayyyyy better than stock.
Nice tweaks, now which boat is this you changed, the A?
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