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Old 05-13-10, 10:31 PM   #1413
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Dear BdU Grossadmiral Karl Dontiz ,

My men on U-35 set out on December 2, 1939, while we would prefer the war to be over by Christmas, we understand that the British Lion must be tamed, so we aimed to be home for Christmas, I had a argument with the quartermaster, seems that he loaded all T1 steam torpedo in my boat. Normally, this would be a complaint, but in the end, it blessed us greatly.

After sinking the SS Glenbeg, a large merchant off the coast of scotland, and finding a tug that we used the deck gun on, we where heading to our patrol area when there was a report of a enemy ship in our area, sailing to us, so we investigated.

Also, Please check the security of our Enigma machines, someone sent a false report that we had abandoned ship.

At night, in a storm, we found ourselves in ideal position as a task force bared down on us, at first I thought the core of the task force was a south-Hampton class cruiser, but I saw something deeper in the Task force, and we identified a Revenge Class Battleship, now, we where at extreme long range, using a scope, 4000+ meters, but we had the steam torpedoes to do the long range shots. Instead of waiting for it to come to me, I moved my bow over and the computer and weapon officers quickly determined that we where ideal range for a slow torpedo launch. Instead of spread, I launched two sets of torpedoes, thirty seconds apart, the first to to get a shot in, and then the next two as we where closer and I let go of all my weapons.

Then there was desperate waiting, two of the torpedoes detonated early, and just when moral had dropped to its lowest level, we had a impact. We are unsure if one or two torpedoes impacted the battleship, and the escorts where looking too close in for us, as they where not expecting such a long, "sniper" shot on the battleship. we noticed the fires where burning, then they went out. and we hug close as we where hoping to place a shot into the crippled Battleship, but it turned out to be unneeded, as the battleship sank bow first as it slowly succumbed to flooding. We dove deep, more to be on the safe side, and carefully extracted ourselves from the Task Force. We promptly sailed home, and where still surprised by the hero welcome we received.

Many thanks for the two Iron cross, 2nd classes and the Iron-Cross, first class for my crew. May I please recommend my watch officer, who now has a 2nd and 1st class Iron Cross, for a command? He will be a good commander for our U-boat fleet.

Also, while my neck still itches for Oak leaves, the first class Iron Cross does eliminate my neck itch till at least my next patrol.

AKA - the man who sunk the
HMS Ramillies

Photos of said action below

Ok, this isn't April 1st!

This almost brings tears to my eyes....

This is when I realized the Battleship was doomed.

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