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Old 09-11-05, 11:21 PM   #219
Sonar Guy
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AFAIK in MP doctrine files are host controlled, but database has to be identical far all players. So in practice all players have to have mod installed. But what a problem when "installing" or "uninstalling" a mod means only to change names of two folders ? :-D I guess that a script could be done to make it by a click.

There should be no major changes to platform NLs and noise profiles, so I think I can post it here now

v 2.0

Base NL of more important platforms;
(they grow in noise further with speed)

comparison of playable sub noise profiles:

It's just 2.0, so not ultimate values . Some things can possibly change a little in the future - after longer reflection and seeing how they work in practice. But I think not much, IMO balance would have to be ensured rather by scenario designers, than by less realistic database. But even if it doesn't look at first, life now can be short and brutal even for Seawolf drivers :-) Especially when they have to go somwhere, and enemy is slow and quiet :-)

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