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Old 05-09-10, 07:01 PM   #1394
Join Date: May 2010
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Well, since my last guy died, starting a new one at the start of the war.

Setting sail on September 1st, Otto Van Graf and U-35 set sail, with the war in Poland just starting.

Heading to
grid BE61, the radio reports that Germany and england are at war, at is spotted by a pair of ASW Trawlers, french flagged, and is able to avoid them running silent. Soon he finds his first ship of the war, a Granville-type Freighter and torpedo strike and then finishes off with the deck gun, just as the boat is sinking, a shot goes over U-35 bow, and a A&B DD is headed to the boat, quickly getting submerged, Von Graf is shocked when the A&B breaks off at 1200 meters and goes broadside to the boat, right across its front tubes, not looking a gift horse in the mouth, the HMS Antelope is put to the bottom with a electric eel.

Further down the channel a Moter Boat and two
Coastal Freighters are put to the bottom by the deck gun, and then U-35 is chased away by some British Torpedo boats. U-35 heads west to the patrol grid.

A Naval Tugboat and a Passenger-cargo boat are put to the bottom on the western part of the channel, though two Irish tramp steamers had to be let go, being of the wrong nation.

Almost at the grid location, and down to four eels in the front, and two in the rear, Otto is gleeful when a massive convoy appears in ideal location, and quickly is intercepted.

coming in the eastern side of the convoy, he spots a Ore-carrier among small freighters, and launches a long steam torpedo strike, which hits, then is chased deep by a tribal, who does not detect the U-boat. So heading back to scope depth, the 2nd long steam eels from the tube five in launched, and hitting the same ore-carrier, this time the Tribal as more of a idea, and Otto watches as it gets closer and closer. (Stupidly) launching Electric Eels at it at 1200 and 1000 meter marks. staying calm as the Tribal has not indicated that it knows where the U-boat is in the choppy water, at 700 meters and the Eel is a direct hit, and the DD falls dead into the water, and is quickly sinks. No other escorts are in this convoy of approx 15 freighters, so spotting a large freighter, U-15 comes along side, and fires a shot from the stern, which explodes prematurely, reloading, and setting it to impact pistols, U-35 puts a Eel into the freighter, but it stays afloat, U-35 shadowed the convoy as long as they dared, and the Ore-Carrier eventually floundered, but it never was calm enough to use the deck gun, which would of added to the total greatly, as U-35 had to watch a unprotected convoy get safely in.

Patrol results
Crew losses: 0
Ships sunk: 9
Aircraft destroyed: 0
Patrol tonnage: 21923 tons

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