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Old 05-06-10, 06:52 AM   #1011
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Default Hi Frinic

Hello Mr von Frinic!

Quote: Zee; could you perhaps test my idea of shrinking the size of your mission area may be by half( 5 sq. km instead of 11) to see if it makes a significant difference in the fps count?I must say that I don't find the in game maps very useful.The briefing maps at at the beginning of a selected mission before you click on start are better.The problem with the in game ones is that your map size are so huge and the area we actually use during a given mission so small by comparison that it' s really difficult to track where we are and where the friendlies and enemies are.It's my own opinion and others may disagree.

I must agree 100% with you frinic. I thought about it but didnt mentioned, thought i would be the only one.
The area is too huge, this eats to much resources, fps. With scaling the map down, i am really sure to increase performance. This can lead to that way, that ZW does not have to cancel 100 of tanks and artillery units.

As a Beta tester this is my opinion, itmay be a soloution wich may be preferred or not.

Lc stop thinking about the trees you're going to miss the improvements to the game again!!!! Ahhhh when it's not the Panzerinen it's the trees!!!!

Frinic, you didnt realised that i am no more thinking about these trees, i am focused on that new Tiger model with the new antenna.

So Herr frinic thought about our logo but i have found one wich is easier to install

hey, its pink too


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