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Old 04-28-10, 12:54 PM   #671
Join Date: May 2009
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thanks! you're right, solved the "problem". another thing: I just started my second patrol, late december 1941 in Manila. Already west of Luzon I was DC'ed by a Catalina airplane, flooding etc., didn't sink. I had the gorgeous plan to head due east to shallow waters and repair my boat bottomed. This didn't go as planned. It is possible to bottom your boat in RFB 2.0 without causing continous damage? At the moment I'm still unsure whether to proceed to my patrol area or to retreat to Java, with one engine set damaged 0.15 and not being able to repair them. Also my deck gun is damaged 0.54, I guess no repairing here either and I do need it because of lots of faulty torpedoes to be expected

Also, Manila lost it's tilted anchor and no other base has one. Will I be able to end my patrol in a base of my choice?


latest patch RFB
RSRD 575
RSRD 5xx

edit: the manual...bottoming is NOT advised - would be nice and give a great feeling to bottom your boat repairing damage that might have sunk your boat in deep water, I was forced to re-enact DAS BOOT once in SH3 GWX3 on the continental shelf north of Ireland, felt cool ;-)

but still no idea about the possibility of ending my patrol

Last edited by berobispo; 04-28-10 at 01:25 PM.
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