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Old 04-27-10, 06:37 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Rubini View Post
This interface is just this: a basic but usefull interface (is the one that I like more in truth; this is the one that i use). In my game the stopwatch is corrected in position and in size. ( far right start position). Perhaps I made some mistake when porting it for GWX3.0/Sh3 stock... What version are you using? Anyway here in both versions the stopwatch is working correctly.

You can follow Flopper directions fo find the stopwatch references on the files. IIRC just the menu_1024 and the tga itself is needed to fix this, if any fix is really necessary.

(I'm out of Sh3 mod work (even without access to my home computer) since some weeks by RL heavy duties. I will return to it in a month ahead.)

But tell me, how is the WS mod working for you? Is your monitor rescaling it correctly? And the image quality is good anyway?


Hi Rubini, you guys have done tremendous work with the GUI and developing the .dll. It works perfect for me with the exception of the stopwatch problem. If you could point me to the entry in the menu_1024 I would really appreciate it. I can't find which entry handles the hands of the stopwatch. Also I'd like to know how to make it "pull-out" item (like it was originally or like you guys did the dials in Periscope and UZO).

The only small issue I have with the files I have already converted in Photoshop to 1360x768 that if I take a look in the same image in PS scaled 1:1 it is nice and crisp and when opened in the game in 1:1 it looks somewhat blurry. I wonder what is causing this?

Originally Posted by Stronghold View Post
Black or wood effect would be great, the same way you've implemented those to Attack Periscope, Observation Periscope, Binoculars Navigation Map and Attack Map. If I am not wrong, Crew/Damage management and Orders pages are the only ones that causes mouse trails on the right side of the screen. I would really like to "solve" those problems, but I don't have any experience in modding. Hands placement of the stopwatch are wrong in my game as well, I forgot to tell you that. Like you've said, I really hope myself as well that someday somebody will fix or fill right side of Crew/Damage management and Orders pages.
The mouse trails are caused by the "missing" part of image which goes past 1024 pixels. (i.e. every background screen originally 1024x768 has to be re-sized to 1360x768)

Originally Posted by Seeadler View Post
the next release of the dll will not do this
That's a great news. Another way how to avoid this is just convert all the static images to 1360x768. You guys are causing me many sleepless nights because after you released the dll and the interface mod I just started MAJOR widescreen overhaul of the whole SH3 interface.
Here is a small teaser what you can expect:

The work is about 50% done now.

Last edited by conus00; 04-27-10 at 06:58 PM.
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