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Old 04-27-10, 12:54 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Bloomstomb View Post
Im doing the uboat torpedo tutorial.

I tried to install that mod , use different ratios, it doesnt matter.

Cant seem to get it right. My calculations are always around 50-100meters longer distance than map/ruler .

Maybe target drone 1 is the wrong height?
Well, 50-100 meters is not far off, I don't play with map contacts so I never knew the ruler distances. A torpedo travelling at 30kts will cover about 15 meters in a second (roughly) and In that time the ship could have moved maybe half that at 15kts so maybe a few (3-8) seconds time difference. If you aimed at the middle of a ship travelling 15kts or less you would still hit anything longer than 100 meters. Also, if the range is slightly longer, it will be aimed slighlty ahead, even with open tubes it takes a second to fire the torpedo.

Also either some info in the recognition manual is wrong or the target ships are sitting wrong in the water... I am kicking myself now that I didn't write down which ship it was but the draft in the manual said 9.3m I set running depths at 9m with magnetic pistols and fired 3 times then watched the torpedos from external view and they passed a full meter and some below the keel harmlessly, in calm seas. That has only happened to me once though in a lot of hours playing, and I thought, hey thats probably quite realistic, there would have been mistakes here and there.

You said target drone? I've never ever seen one, try something a bit meatier its way more satisfying! (and you might find it works better)
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