Thread: Cant hit "§$%&
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Old 04-21-10, 03:38 AM   #7
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You have the right idea, matching the targets speed, the course isn't so important as you can travese the gun to compensate for that. Coming in on a 90degree AOB isn't bad eather. I find it is also best to keep the target inside 20degrees or so of the bow, the ship tends to rock less that way alowing for accurate fire for a longer period. If you are finding your shots landing fore or aft of your target chances are your speed calculations are off or you aren't factoring in the range to target in your lead angle. shooting at a longer range will require you to lead the target just a bit diferantly, generaly a longer range needs a bit more lead. It seems you have learnd a bit about shooting in the millitary, though how much this will actualy help in the game is a bit of a question as the game isn't a 100% accurate simulation in all respects. I tend to aim for the center mass of the ship, more margin of error that way, and verticaly I go for the water line (based on the range to target given by the WO minus 100m give or take) for the quick kill, and adjust my point of aim as needed based on the varying cercumstances. With this method I can get close on the first shot and quickly get on target in short order.

In my experiance aiming for center mass still works best for geting the best firing solution even when the target is zig zaging. Eventualy you will find the rythem they are using and can adjust your fire accordingly.

About the only way to realy get good at shoing up the enemy ships with your deck gun is practice practice practice; just like with torpidos. I my self am fairly good with the deck gun but can't hit **** with the AA guns beacouse I tend to run and hide form the aircraft but redily engage with my 88. Runing the deck gun naval acadamy mission a few times just to get a feel for how the gun reacts to diferant speeds and angles will get you just the experiance you need without the frustration of having to hunt down enemy ships in the campain. That is what I have found any way. In the end shooting lots and lots of rounds is the best way to get good at things in the game, just like in real life shooting.
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