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Old 04-20-10, 04:50 AM   #658
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Default Gunners

Using Version 1.3.0

Deck Gun

On Deck right now at the deck gun. I am letting the crew shoot/sink the aircraft carrier that is dead in the water. All his friends have left him (finally) and I am out of torpedos.

Okay... so I give them the command to fire at will, long distance, waterline... they stop firing.

I lock on to the aircraft carrier with the binoculars and they start to fire again. If I click on the 'fire at will' button they stop firing and won't until I activate them with the binoculars again.

Flak Gun

Earlier was using the flak guns on some planes.

Gunners won't shoot unless I activate them with the binoculars. It seems as though when I push the 'fire at will' button they shut down and stop firing.
Thomas Jefferson - "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

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