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Old 04-19-10, 10:08 AM   #53
Silent Hunter
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I have been playing LWAMI 3.09 over the past few days. Let me first say that I have played 688i/SC/DW off and on since 1999. In that time, I can only remember 5-6 times where the AI fired a torp at me and maybe 1-2 times where I was killed. I basically viewed the AI as just target practice.

So I fired up one of the stock missions where my 688i has to track a russian task force in the White Sea, a mission I have played countless times before and which was a good target practice. As before, I track the TF, takes a position ahead of them, about 15,000 yds and fire TASM and a full salvo of 4 torpedoes at the 4 targets (3 ships, 1 sub). Imagine my surprise when not only do the ships shoot down the TASMs and evade all 4 torps, but the Akula starts hunting me and after 10 minutes fires 6 torpedoes my way and..kills me..

hmm, so I decide to fire up the first campaign mission in the Akula. I start sightseeing through the stations, remembering how the russion sonar display works, getting various reports about contacts, some vague warning about being counter-detected, I poke the scope up and spot various ships and after about 5 mins, hear "Torpedo in the water!, bearing..." . I go deep, look desperately for a layer, launch counter-measures...well, you can guess the rest.

I am not sure what you guys have done, but you sure have made this a more challenging game, good work..
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