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Old 04-19-10, 03:50 AM   #869
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Kursk Pre Alph v.4 and tests

Hi Zee and Kameraden I'm behind as usual but here goes all points found to date (over several hours!). Nice sunny Monday morn here too BTW.

First uninstall of V.3 worked OK but left previous version with a small issue. (This is the Pre Kursk version BTW that installed fine and ran fine) after uninstall of Kursk v.3; I tested to check what was left and error message "can't load splash screen bitmap" came up. Menu can be selected but after selecting (any) mission loading ceases early and "Text" messsage comes up top of screen.

OK no panic as I thought what the uninstall took out - the new install (v.4) would put back and this assumption was correct. Added this point in case of future uninstalls give same probs to other members.

Now on with v.4

I tested with unlimited ammo and Immortal (there can be only one!!) mode. This is a mixed blessing as you can get as far as you want but when you leave the game you can't check why your tank company is holding back just outside village C (in this mission anyway!).

1. FPS raise ever so slightly by 1 or 2 FPS. No increase in gameplay or decrease in stuttering (noticeable anyway) from v.3 for me.

2. As a further test I lowered my existing setting so that Texture, Model, Land and Forest detail remained 100%, but grass water, shadows about 50% and less, I was fiddling up and down sliders as Tank drove over hills towards village C.

Result of lowering these specific settings - no different; didn't have time to lower all and test sequentially as this takes some time.

3. I am IMO taking a GPU hit more than a CPU hit - why? well when Tank is cruising towards village C with accompanying Tigers I switch between F6 and F5 in Commanders position and the FPS roll up and down like magic. It might seem blindingly obvious but there have been comments about CPU and other limitations so I cite this example as ON MY PC this is what happens. Variances are between (F6) 4.7 to (F5) 8.7. Not to be confused with F6 outside view and F2 Commanders "raised head out turret view with no binoculars" --- to avoid doubt here.

4. I notice some minor bogging down in some areas where fast turns are made but no show stoppers (IMO). Got bogged down by big AT ditch which I thought was strange (I mean it's summer) but reversed out OK.

5. I got behind the guns as I left my comrades to flank right and approach around some woods and over the AT ditch where it runs out towards Vlilage C. After going through village creating mayhem the soldiers manning the artillary positions just stood about allowing me to m/g and HE them to death.
I'd love it if on Tiger approach to guns soldiers could scatter/run away.

6. I finally had to leave the mission to get some sleep!! I didn't finish and couldn't check why my comrades stayed just outside the village (as immortal so not knocked out or finished mission). There wasn't much opposition left by then (couple of tanks AT guns on far right of map some distance away).

7. Observations - lovely battle area and big scenario with loads of Russian opposition. Just need a Uber Graphics card and tweake CPU to get this to run as we'd all like.
Not sure what happened to other tanks did they jam-up? v.3 they came thro village OK (but jammed up later!).

I would dearly like this mission as 1b and a lower object unit density version for 1a, that I could truly enjoy knowing there's better missions to be "unlocked" with an upgrade. There's not a lot wrong with this at all, it's just a step too far for my PC to run and give me a completely enjoyable experience. Nobody's fault and I see the need to maximise the potential of this awesome game which you are doing beyond doubt. Downside is it may put people without Uber rigs off, which will be a real shame as we all want this to be THE SIM and allow you to develop this to the limit (wait now !!! eventually when I've got that new GPU).

What do think about the 1a and 1b mission choice would this be possible it could be the best way to overcome the "current state of Hardware" issues??.

However -- We are getting there and no-one said it would be easy.

ZW You are The Man. The new models and terrain are superb/fantastic - and I still love you in that Panzer Commander sort of way.
Seig - Mort
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