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Old 09-06-05, 11:14 AM   #175
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Default Sensors

What I did: (everything based on

-Akula 1, I, and 2, share the same hull sensors. The MGK-503-M Skat.

-Akula 1 and I share the same TA - Pelamida

-Akula 2 has an improved version of this TA, the Pelamida II, and sailing with the tide, I followed the same thinking of the TB-16 and TB-23, since the TB-23 is more sensitive, I gave it a slower washout.

-Oscar II has the MGK-503 Sharkgill "sphere", Shark ribs "hull" and MG-519 Mouse Roar "active", also, the Pelamida TA

-I gave the Typhoon the same sensors of the Oscar II

-Victor 3 has the MGK-400 Rubicon and Pithon TA (older sensors so less effective, very close to the Kilo sensors)

-Kilo has the MGK-400EM Rubicon (Shark Teeth sonars)

-Han received that MGK-400 Rubicon

-The 688 received the same sensors of the 688i excluding the TB-23 that I gave to the starboard ta of the 688i

-The Ohio has the BQQ-5 bow and TB-16 TA
Also, I changed the Ohio so that it becomes the SSGN version loaded with up to 154 tomahawk missiles either TASM or TLAM.

American Surface ships:

-Ticonderoga: SQS-53 LF bow (A/P)
-Ticonderoga VLS: SQQ-89 suite (with SQS-53 LF bow), SQR-19 TA
-Arleigh Burke (FII-A): SQQ-89 suite (with SQS-53 LF bow A/P), Kingfisher mine detection.
-Arleigh Burke: SQQ-89 suite (with SQS-53C LF bow A/P), SQR-19 TA
-Spruance: SQQ-89 suite (with SQS-53C LF bow A/P), SQR-19 TA
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