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Old 04-12-10, 02:06 PM   #16
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Default Surcouf Anyone?

So has Keltos or anyone else continued working on this challenging project? I'd sure love to see the Surcouf completed and added into the game. Maybe as another Subsim donation project????? PLEASE SOMEONE WITH THE SKILLS CREATE THIS UNIQUE SUB!!!!!! If i can help in anyway, by doing some research, please let me know. We have playable surface ship MODS and Modern Sub MODS so why cant we have a historical "what if" MOD involving the Surcouf? Say as a Free French Sub operating against the Japs or perhaps an interned French Surcouf used by the US Navy? These are all just thoughts but if we can use an Ohio Class sub in the game why not an actual WWII era French Sub! So does anyone have any thoughts on this?

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