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Old 04-09-10, 08:27 AM   #48
Sailor Gal
Join Date: Jun 2005
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First of all would like to say this is an awesome mod and I love the way it changes everything in SH3. It brings new life to the game and is simply fantastic! So thank you so much for creating it .

I do have one question though and it is probably a lazy question more than anything . But I was wondering is there anyway or anything I can do to enable the range of a ship to be shown to me on the Periscope and UZO screens like in the stock game?

As the notepad just has a ship on it and a tick. I noticed sometimes this tick went red but I am unsure what it meant. But no range distance is ever displayed on the notepad.

So I am just wondering if there is a way I can get the range to be displayed on the notepad?

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